

Citicoline is a brain chemical that occurs naturally in the body. 

It can be taken by mouth as a supplement or given as an injection into the vein or as a shot into the muscle in Japan and Europe, 

It is primarily used as a dietary supplement in the U.S. 

Citicoline is taken by mouth or given as an injection to help memory loss due to aging, improve vision in people with glaucoma, and help with recovery in stroke patients. 

Without scientific support it is used in  Alzheimer disease, Parkinson disease, bipolar disorder, lazy eye, and other conditions of the CNS.

I t increase the brain chemical phosphatidylcholine. 

Citicoline seems to help memory loss in people aged 50 to 85 years.

Taking citicoline by mouth, as a shot, or as eye drops might improve vision in some people with glaucoma.

Some evidence shows that taking citicoline by mouth might improve learning, memory, and the ability to process information in people with mild to moderate Alzheimer disease.

Research shows that giving citicoline might improve vision in people with a lazy eye.

Some evidence exists that taking citicoline might improve memory and behavior in patients with long-term cerebrovascular diseases, such as stroke.

Citicoline might reduce cocaine use in people with bipolar disorder and cocaine use disorder.

Some evidence exists that taking citicoline by mouth with an antidepressant citalopram might help treat depression better than citalopram alone.

Citicoline can increase strength in people who are recovering from a bleed in the brain.

Taking it for 60 days might improve vision in people with ischemic optic neuropathy.

It’s questionable whether citicoline can decrease the chance of dying or improve memory, learning, and speaking in people who suffer an injury to the brain. 

Citicoline might improve some of the symptoms of Parkinson disease.

Citicoline plus standard drug therapy can improve negative symptoms in people with schizophrenia: expressing emotions, showing interest in others, feeling pleasure,hallucinations and paranoia. 

Some, but not all research shows that stroke patients who take citicoline by mouth or by IV within 24 hours of having the kind of stroke that is caused by an ischemic stroke may be more likely to have a complete recovery within 3 months. 

It does not help treat symptoms of vascular dementia, attention deficit-hyperactive disorder (ADHD).

Side effects: insomnia, headache, constipation, diarrhea, nausea, stomach pain, blurred vision, and chest pains.


For decline in memory and thinking skills that occurs normally with age: 1000-2000 mg of citicoline per day.

For a group of eye disorders that can lead to vision loss:500-1600 mg per day.

Citicoline as an injection into the vein is given for a group of eye disorders that can lead to vision loss, or as 

Citicoline 2% eye drops.

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