Function is the synthesis and excretion of immunoglobulins.
Found in the bone marrow, and are not normally found in the circulation.
Normally does not exceed 2% concentration in the bone marrow.
Arise at the end-stage of B cell differentiation and to a large activated plasma cell.
When B cell lymphocytes undergo antigenic stimulation and blast transformation plasma cells are formed.
Following antigen exposure of a viral or bacterial infections, naïve B cells normally proliferate and undergo somatic hypermutation of the IgH and IgL sequences producing long lived plasma cells.
When B cell lymphocytes encounter an antigen that binds immunoglobulin surface receptors and receive a second signal provided by helper T cells allows blast cell transformation and proliferation of a mature plasma cell.
After blast self transformation to a mature B cell with a size of 18 to 20 µm, has an eccentrically placed nucleus, fine chromatin and blue nongranular cytoplasm.
Plasmacytoid lymphocytes have an overall size of 15-25 microm, eccentrically placed nucleus, dark blue cytoplasm, and a lighter stained are, the hof,next to the nucleus.
The hof represents the golgi apparatus.
Mature plasma cells are 14-20 microm, small eccentrically placed nucleus, with condensed chromatin with a cartwheel configuration.