
Personal responsibility





Personal responsibility is the idea that human beings choose, instigate, or otherwise cause their own actions. 

Personal responsibility is not only acknowledging our actions, but actively taking ownership of them.

It is the understanding that we have the power to shape our lives through the choices we make and the actions we take.

By embracing personal responsibility, we empower ourselves to create the life we desire and to make a positive impact on the world around us.

With the idea  we cause our actions, we can be held morally accountable or legally liable. 

Responsibility refers to the concept of being held accountable for one’s actions, obligations, and duties. 

Responsibility includes both an individual’s awareness of their role in various situations and their willingness to act appropriately  to fulfill commitments and obligations. 

Responsibility refers to the duty or obligation to act in a certain way, to complete a task, or to be accountable for something. 

It involves being reliable, making decisions, and taking ownership of one’s actions.

Assuming responsibility builds trust, demonstrates integrity, and promotes personal growth. 

Embracing responsibility is essential for fostering accountability, reliability, and ethical behavior in personal relationships, the workplace and in society.


It is contrasted to the idea that human actions are caused by conditions beyond the person’s control. 


Personal responsibility is increasingly associated with political conservatism and libertarianism. 


Social power resides within every individual, and every person must assume personal responsibility for social behavior. 

All values are personal.

Freedom brings individuals face to face with their responsibility for their free actions.

Personal responsibility reflects the willingness to both accept the importance of standards that society establishes for individual behavior and to make strenuous personal efforts to live by those standards. 

Personal responsibility also means that when individuals fail to meet expected standards, they do not look around for some factor outside themselves to blame. 


The demise of personal responsibility occurs when individuals blame their family, their peers, their economic circumstances, or their society for their own failure to meet standards. 


The areas most important to personal decision making and responsibility 


are education, sexual behavior and marriage, and work.


Public policy should emphasize the importance of personal responsibility.


A sense of personal responsibility, means accepting  and living by society’s established standards of individual behavior. 

When these expected standards aren’t met, someone with personal responsibility doe not seek others to blame.

A person with personal responsibility is  able to maturely respond to the presented challenges themselves and take any blame for their actions.


Qualities for Personal Responsibility:


1. Communication Skills


2. Ability to Create Boundaries


3. Humility


4. Ability to Control Impulses


5. Courage


6. Persistence


7.Self authentication: actions come from your true self, as you are self-directed, self-motivated, self-disciplined,  knowing right from wrong, trusting own judgment 


To be responsible for oneself self means doing what is expected of oneself, even when no one is around to know. 


8. Being Organized


9. Personal accountability













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