
Frieberg disease


Freiberg disease, also known as a Freiberg infraction.

A form of avascular necrosis in the metatarsal bone of the foot.

It generally develops in the second metatarsal, but can occur in any metatarsal.

Physical stress causes multiple tiny fractures where the middle of the metatarsal meets the growth plate.

These fractures impair blood flow to the end of the metatarsal resulting in osteonecrosis.

It is an uncommon condition, occurring most often in young women, athletes, and those with abnormally long metatarsals.

Approximately 80% of those affected are women.

Initial treatment is generally 4–6 weeks of limited activity, often with crutches or orthotics.

In rare cases, surgery is necessary to reduce the bone mass of the metatarsal.

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