
Binge drinking

The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) define the term “binge drinking” as a pattern of drinking that brings a person’s blood alcohol concentration (BAC) to 0.08 grams percent or above. 

This typically happens when men consume five or more drinks, and when women consume four or more drinks, in about two hours.

Defined as the consumption of 5 or more alcoholic drinks on 1 occasion for a man or 4 or more drinks on a single occasion for a woman.

Binge drinking is the most common form of excessive alcohol consumption.

Binge drinking is responsible for half of deaths and three quarters of economic costs of excessive drinking.

In 2010 the estimated alcohol related costs in the US were $249 billion, 77% of which were attributable to binge drinking.

Risk of development of alcohol use disorder increases with frequency of binge drinking.

Blood alcohol level of 0.8 g/dL used by National Institute for Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism as the physiologic definition of binge drinking.

Accounts for half of all alcohol associated deaths and approximately two-thirds of years of potential life lost.

Associated with sexually transmitted disease, unintended pregnancies, sudden infant death syndrome, fetal alcohol syndrome, acute myocardial infarction and motor vehicle accidents.

Associated with increased risks of myocardial infarction, hypertension, stroke and atrial fibrillation.

The amygdala can be damaged in binge drinking, by repeated episodes of intoxication and withdrawal.

Heavy episodic, or binge drinking raises the risk of injuries can increase the risk or exacerbate cardiovascular disease and liver disease.

Binge drinking increases risks of accidents, injuries, violence and heart disease.

29% of adults drinkers engage in binge drinking.

In 2016 26.2% of adults in the US reported at least one episode of binge drinking.

The National Inst. on Alcohol Abuse reports that the proportion of college students age 18 to 24 that engage in binge drinking was up to 44.7% in 2005.

Responsible for more than half of the estimated 23,000 deaths and 630,000 years of potential life lost among women and girls.

In 2011 more than 13.6 million, or 12.5%, of US adult women binge drank.

In 2011 adult women binge drinkers averaged binge drinking three times a month and consumed an average six drinks on occasion.

Among women the prevalence and intensity of such drinking is highest among women aged 18-24 years.

Women with household incomes greater than $75,000 annually have the highest binge drinking prevalence.

Women who binge drink have a higher risk for acquiring HIV virus and other sexually transmitted infections, unintended pregnancies, miscarriage, and low birth weight deliveries.

In women who binge drink unintentional exposure to a developing fetus to a high blood alcohol concentration may increase the risk of sudden infant death syndrome, fetal alcohol spectrum disorder and ADHD.

A 2011 survey shows that more than one in three high school girls reported drinking and one in five reported binge drinking.

In 2010, 85% of all alcohol impaired driving after sounds were reported by persons who also reported binge drinking.

In 2005 the number of deaths from unintentional alcohol related injuries was 18.5 to 19 per hundred thousand students.

Number of binge drinking episodes among drinkers per year about 7.4 per person.

Approximately 90% of alcohol consumed by underage drinkers and about 50% of alcohol consumed by adults is in the form of binge drinking.

Alcohol impaired driving more common among binge drinkers.

85% of self-reported alcohol impaired driving episodes involves binge drinkers.

Common among individuals that perpetrate violent crimes including those arrested for homicide, assault, robbery and sexual offenses.

In high school students associated with higher likelihood of being involved in, injured during and injuring others in fights.

Binge drinkers average events 4 times monthly with high-intensity average of 8 drinks on occasion, placing themselves and others at significant risk for alcohol associated harms.

Binge drinking prevalence and intensity highest among the individuals 18-24 years and 25-34 years but frequency is highest among binge drinkers aged 65 years older.

Highest prevalence among males, whites, young adults, and persons with higher household incomes.

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