
Biceps tendinitis

Inflammatory process of long head of biceps tendon.

Common cause of shoulder pain.

The tendon is exposed on the anterior shoulder as it passes through the humeral Bicipital groove and inserts onto the superior aspect o the labrum of the glen humeral joint.

Can result from inflammatory process or impingement injury.

Less common causes are compensation for a rotator cuff injury, labral tears and extraarticular pathology.

The biceps has two heads with a common insertion distally onto the radius.

The biceps muscle is a strong supinator and flexor of the forearm.

The long head of the biceps merges with the short head of the biceps and forms the body of the biceps brachii muscle.

Long head biceps tendon lies in the bicipital groove of the humerus and helps to stabilize the humeral head during abduction and external rotation.

The long head of the biceps tendon angles 90 degrees inward at the upper end of the bicipital groove and crosses the humeral head to insert in the upper edge of the glenoid labrum and supraglenoid tubercle.

Occurs in overuse syndromes of the shoulder such as with: baseball pitchers, swimmers, gymnast activities, tennis players, and rowers.

May coexist with rotator cuff injuries.

Complaints of anterior shoulder pain that is exacerbated by lifting or elevated pushing or pulling.

Pain may be localized along the anterior humerus, which increases with movement.

Pain that occurs along the bicipital groove is increased with resisted supination of the forearm.

Forward flexion of the shoulder against resistance, while maintaining the elbow in extension, may produce pain in the bicipital groove.

The pain may be vague and can improve with rest.

Most patients do not have an acute traumatic injury.

Partial traumatic biceps tendon ruptures and can be present with underlying tendonitis.

Rupture of the long head of the biceps tendon may be associated with a sudden and painful popping process.

Rupture of the biceps tendon may cause retraction of the muscle belly with prominence over the anterior upper arm.

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