
Wandering spleen




Wandering spleen is a rare medical condition caused by the loss or weakening of the ligaments that help to hold the spleen stationary.



Most  commonly diagnosed in young children, as well as women between the ages of 20 and 40.



Symptoms of WS include an enlargement in the size of the spleen, or a change from the spleen’s original position to another location, usually in either other parts of the abdomen or into the pelvis. 



The spleen’s pedicle is  abnormally long.



Physical factors, constipation, as well as numerous spleen-related diseases such as hypersplenism, thrombocytopenia, and lymphoma may be associated.



Medical imaging techniques such as medical ultrasonography, magnetic resonance imaging, or computed tomography can be used to confirm its presence. 



WS is associated with weight loss, weakening, or malformation of the ligaments that help to keep the spleen located in the upper left part of the abdomen.



 It is often found at birth. 



It may be the result of injuries and other conditions that cause the ligaments to weaken, such as connective tissue disease or pregnancy.



Wandering spleen predisposes the spleen to complications such as torsion, splenic infarction, pancreatic inflammation  and rarely pseudocyst formation.



The usual treatment is, fixation of the spleen, but splenectomy  may be performed by open or laparoscopic procedure.



Fewer  than 0.5% of all splenectomies, are performed due to having this disorder. 


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