
Tuberculosis screening

The CDC recommends that all US healthcare workers be tested for active in late in tuberculosis infection upon higher in annual leave those working in medium risk settings.

Latent tuberculosis infection refers to a dormant state in which infection is asymptomatic, non-contagious, but may be reactivated.

 It is more common among patients who are immunocompromised.
Generally associated with chronic, progressive form of meningitis and patients present with confusion, lethargy, or cranial nerve deficits.

It is recommended that asymptomatic healthcare workers who test newly positive for latent TB be treated preventatively.

Medium risk institutions are defined as those that may host patients with active TB or laboratories with specimens that may contain TB.

Healthcare settings with less than 3-6 patients with TB per year are considered low risk facilities, although annual testing may be implemented based on state or institution regulations.

US is a low burden country for TV and yet it has widespread screening and subsequent treatment of identified latent TB infection cases with no direct evidence that such a campaign improves health outcomes for staff or patients.

Randomized controlled studies have shown that screening for and treating latent TB infection has not demonstrated a reduction in active TB rates.

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