


Trochanter is one of the bony prominences toward the near end of the femur.

There are two trochanters:

The greater trochanter-A protrusion located at the proximal near and lateral outside part of the shaft of the femur. 

The greater trochanter is also called the major trochanter, the outer trochanter, and the lateral process of the femur.

The lesser trochanter is a pyramidal prominence that projects from the proximal and medial part of the shaft of the femur. 

The lesser trochanter is also called the minor trochanter, the inner trochanter, and the medial process of the femur.

The trochanters are points at which hip and thigh muscles attach. 

The greater trochanter gives attachment to a number of muscles:  gluteus medius and minimus, piriformis, obturator internus and externus, and gemelli muscles, and the lesser trochanter receives the insertion of several muscles including the psoas major muscle and the iliacus muscle.

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