

Contains more than 3500 chemical substances.

Second leading cause of death worldwide.

Smoking related deaths approximate 440,000 annually in the US. and 41,000 deaths attributable to secondhand smoke exposure among non-smokers.

Accounts for 30% of cancer deaths.

Tobacco smoking, implicated in causing cancers of the lungs, mouth, lips, nose, sinuses, larynx, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, pancreas, kidney, bladder, uterus, cervix, colorectum,, ovary, and myeloid leukemia.

$193 billion health related economic losses each year.

Tobacco dependency causes 18.1% of all deaths.

Current cigarette smoking among US adults decline from 20.6% in 2009 to 11.5% in 2021.

Approximately 47 million US adults currently use tobacco products: nearly 80% use combustible products, such as cigarettes, which are responsible for the overwhelming burden of tobacco related disease and death.

It is estimated that there will be a doubling in the number of deaths from 5 million in 2005 to 10 million in 2020 from tobacco use.

China is responsible for about one-third of the global consumption and production of tobacco products.

Tobacco control policies have been ineffective as China is home to 350 million regular smokers and 750 million passive smokers and the annual death toll is over 1 million.

Associated with DNA structural changes, particularly those induced by oxidative changes.

Benzopyrine diol exposide (BPDE) a known tobacco carcinogen.

Composition of cigarettes associated with decreased tar and nicotine concentrationd, but increased carcinogens beta-napthylamine, a known bladder carcinogen and tobacco specific nitrosamines.

BPDE induces genetic damage by forming covalently bound DNA adducts throughout the genome and includes P53.

Tobacco carcinogens like BPDE can be repaired by the nucleotide excision repair system (NER).

Contains potential breast carcinogens, including polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, aromatic amines, and N-nitrosamines.

Metabolites of cigarette smoke can be detected in non-lactating cigarette smokers in breast fluid.

Breast carcinogens in tobacco smoke are lipophilic and may be stored in breast adipose tissue and metabolized by mammary epithelial cells.

Among women with the greatest exposure to tobacco menopause occurred more than 1-2 years earlier than among women who never smoked or been exposed to secondhand smoke.

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