
Sudden blindnes

Sudden loss of vision is a serious medical emergency.

Sudden loss of vision must be treated as quickly as possible.

Sudden loss of vision can be a symptom of a serious medical condition.

Differential diagnosis include: central retinal vein occlusion, nonarteritic ischemic optic neuropathy, inflammatory optic neuritis, and compressive tumor.

Sudden loss of vision can occur in one eye or both eyes, and the loss of sight can be partial or total.

Sudden vision loss can include a sudden loss of peripheral or central vision.

Sudden blurring of vision may occur! and the sudden appearance of spots in the field of vision could also a symptom of a more serious condition.

May be a transient or permanent process.

A detached retina can cause partial or total loss of vision.

A macular hole results in a loss of central vision, while peripheral vision remains.

Vitreous hemorrhage, a leak into the vitreous, can block the light which enters the eye, causing sudden blurred vision, or the sudden appearance of spots impairing vision.

Medical conditions that can cause sudden blindness, include stroke or brain tumor.

Some patients describe a gradual descending gray-black curtain or dimming of vision.

Symptoms can last a few minutes to hours.

Frequency ranges from a single episode to many per day.

Recurrences may continue for years.

Recurrences frequently occur over seconds to hours.

The most common reason for sudden visual loss is ischemia.

Ischemia can affect any aspect of the visual system.

Ischemia of the eye often associated with atherosclerotic disease, such as coronary artery disease and peripheral vascular disease.

Other causes of sudden visual loss include infection/inflammation, vasculitis, trauma, mechanical dysfunction, and idiopathic causes.

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