


Proctitis is an inflammation of the anus and the lining of the rectum, affecting only the last 6 inches of the rectum.

A continual urge to have a bowel movement is the primary symptom.

Causes: idiopathic, idiopathic proctitis, damage by irradiation or as a sexually transmitted infection.

A celiac disease-associated proctitis can result, from an intolerance to gluten.

The rectum could feel full or have constipation, symptoms are ineffectual straining to empty the bowels, and a feeling of not having adequately emptied the bowels diarrhea, involuntary spasms and cramping during bowel movements, left-sided abdominal pain, passage of mucus through the rectum, and anorectal pain.

Other symptoms include tenderness and mild irritation in the rectum and anal region.

Pus and blood in the discharge, accompanied by cramps and pain during the bowel movement may occur.

Gonorrhea is the most common sexually transmitted cause, and is strongly associated with anal intercourse.

Gonnorheal proctitis symptoms include soreness, itching, bloody or pus-like discharge, or diarrhea.

Gonnorheal proctitis may be associated with anal warts, anal tears, fistulas, and hemorrhoids.

Chlamydia proctitis accounts for twenty percent of cases or proctitis.

Chlamydia proctitis may be associated with no, mild or severe symptoms.

Some patients develop rectal strictures, that may cause constipation, straining, and thin stools.

Herpes Simplex Virus 1 and 2 proctitis symptoms may include multiple vesicles that rupture to form ulcers, tenesmus, rectal pain, discharge, hematochezia.

Syphilitic proctitis has symptoms similar to other causes of infectious proctitis; rectal pain, discharge, and spasms during bowel movements, but some people may have no symptoms.

A common cause is engaging in anal sex with partner(s) infected with sexual transmitted diseases.

A diagnosis can be made by looking inside the rectum with a proctoscope or a sigmoidoscope, and getting a biopsy and examining it by microscopy.


Varies with the severity and the cause.

Antibiotics may be used if proctitis is caused by bacterial infection.

5-aminosalicyclic acid (5ASA) or corticosteroids may be applied directly to the area in enema or suppository form, or taken orally for proctitis due to Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis.

Fiber supplements may restore regularity and reduce pain associated with proctitis.

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