

Pride is often associated with a sense of satisfaction or self-respect in one’s achievements or qualities. 

It can also refer to a feeling of importance, respect, or admiration associated with something or someone.

It is reasonable self-esteem or confidence and satisfaction in oneself.

It is  the quality of having an excessively high opinion of oneself or one’s own importance.

Pride may be related to one’s own abilities or achievements, positive characteristics of friends or family, or one’s country. 

Pride may be defined as justified love of oneself, of one’s own excellence, and a feeling through which egoism manifests.

It is a complex secondary emotion.

Pride requires the development of a sense of self and distinct from happiness and joy through interactions with others.

Social psychologists identify the nonverbal expression of pride as a means of sending a perceived signal of high social status.

It may be considered the opposite of shame or of humility, as a virtue, and sometimes as corrupt or as a vice. 

When positively connotated, pride refers to a content sense of attachment toward one’s own or another’s choices and actions, or toward a whole group of people, and is a product of praise, independent self-reflection, and a feeling of belonging. 

Objects of pride include ethnicity, sexual identity.

A negative connotation in pride refers to a corrupt sense of one’s personal value, status or accomplishments,and is used synonymously with hubris.

Some consider pride a profound virtue, yet some world religions consider pride a form  of a sin.

Pride when viewed as a virtue, pride is known as virtuous pride, greatness of soul, or magnanimity, but when viewed as a vice it is often known to be self-idolatry, sadistic contempt, vanity, or vainglory.

Psychologically classified with guilt and shame as a self-conscious emotion that results from the evaluations of oneself and one’s behavior according to internal and external standards.

Positive pride is a pleasant, sometimes exhilarating, emotion that results from a positive self-evaluation.

Facial expressions and gestures of pride include: lifting of the chin, smiles, or arms on hips to demonstrate victory. 

The  nonverbal expression of pride conveys a message that is automatically perceived by others, and can also be expressed by adopting an expanded posture in which the head is tilted back and the arms extended out from the body. 

Pride results from satisfaction of meeting personal goals.

Pride as a display of the strong self that promotes feelings of similarity to strong others, as well as differentiation from weak others. 

Pride involves pleasure and a feeling of accomplishment. 

It is is associated with positive social behaviors such as helping others.

Along with hope, it is an emotion that facilitates performance, and triggers sustained focused and effort to prepare for upcoming evaluative events. 

Pride may also help enhance the quality and flexibility of effort expended.

Pride can enhance creativity, productivity, and altruism.

Pride is associated with a higher GPA in less socioeconomically advantaged neighborhoods, whereas in more advantaged neighborhoods, pride is associated with a lower GPA.

In economic psychology, pride is conceptualized on a spectrum ranging from proper pride with genuine achievements, and false pride, which can be maladaptive or even pathological. 

Pride is an emotional state that works to ensure that people take financial decisions that are in their long-term interests, even when in the short term they would appear irrational.

Christian theology views pride as being the result of high self-esteem, and thus high self-esteem is viewed as a primary human problem.

Hubris, an exaggerated form of self-esteem, is sometimes actually a lie used to cover the lack of self-esteem the hubristic person feels deep down.

Hubris is associated with more intra-individual negative outcomes and is commonly related to[clarification needed] expressions of aggression and hostility.

Excessive hubris creates conflict and sometimes to terminate close relationships, and is one of the few emotions with no clear positive or adaptive functions.

Hubristic pride correlates with arrogance and self-aggrandizement and promotes prejudice and discrimination. 

Authentic pride, however, is associated with self-confidence and accomplishment and promotes more positive attitudes toward outgroups and stigmatized individuals.

Pride in ones own ethnicity/culture has  positive connotations.

When pride tips into hubris, people have been known to commit atrocities.

The value of pride in the individual or the society is debated among cultures.

Vanity sometimes refers to a rational concern for one’s appearance, attractiveness, and dress, and is thus not the same as pride. 

Vanity also refers to an excessive or irrational belief in or concern with one’s abilities or attractiveness in the eyes of others and may in that sense be compared to pride. 

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