

Study of inherited differences in drug disposition and effects among individuals.

It is the study of the role of inherited and acquired genetic variation in drugs responses.

Goal of this type of study is to avoid drug toxicity for patients.

Refers to the study of the genetic basis of individual response to drugs.

Refers to the study of the role of genetic variation in drug response phenotypes.

Effects of variation in genetics can range from serious, potentially life threatening adverse drug reaction to lack of therapeutic efficacy.

Indicates specific genes in a given individual is associated with particular responses, both beneficial and detrimental, to medications and other therapies.

Genetic polymorphisms in drug metabolizing enzymes are involved in drug disposition and are responsible for much of the variance in toxicity for drugs.

Facilitates the identification of biomarkers to optimize drug selection, dose, and treatment duration to prevent adverse drug reactions.

Clinical implementation of pharmacogenomics at the point of care will allow avoidance of adverse drug reactions, maximize drug efficacy, reduce drug to drug interactions and select medications based on the genetic profile of individuals.

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