
Oral cavity





Starts at the vermillion border of the lips anteriorly and extends to the circumvallate papillae and junction of the hard palate and tongue posteriorly.

The oral cavity extends from the vermilion border of the lips to the junction of the hard and soft palates in the roof of the mouth superiorly, and to the circumvallate papillae on the tongue.

The oral cavity consists of the lips, commissures, lingual tonsil, gums, floor of mouth, hard palate, buccal mucosa, and retromolar trigone, and most of the tongue with the exception of the base.

The oral cavity is involved in numerous physiologic processes, including digestion, respiration, and speech.

The octal cavity is unique for the presence of teeth and mucosa.

Bacteria may colonize various sites in the human oral cavity, such as the gingiva, dental plaque, and tongue.

Pathogenic bacteria, including gram-negative species are not seen in the normal host, but may emerge in the elderly, as well as in patients in nursing homes or hospitals and those with nasogastric tubes.

People with poor oral health are more susceptible to experiencing cognitive decline and perceived stress.




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