
Oral cavity lesions

Dry mouth, oral candidiasis, and recurrent aphthous ulcers are the three most common oral processes that may be associated with patient discomfort and decreased quality of life.

Irritation fibroma primarily occurs in the buccal mucosa along the bite line or at the gingivodental margin.

Irritation fibroma is a nodular mass of fibrous tissue covered with squamous mucosa and few inflammatory cells.

Irritation fibroma treated with surgical resection.

Pyogenic granuloma is a highly vascular peduncular lesion that occurs in a gingival of children, young adults and commonly in pregnancy.

Pyogenic granuloma is usually ulcerated with red or purple color.

Pyogenic granuloma may have rapid growth and has highly vascular changes considered a form of hemangioma.

Pyogenic granuloma lesions may regress or undergo fibrosis or develop into a peripheral ossifying fibroma.

Treatment of pyogenic granuloma is complete surgical resection.

Peripheral ossifying fibroma refers to a growth of the gingival reactive in nature.

Peripheral ossifying granuloma may arise from a pyogenic granuloma, most commonly in young females.

Oral submucous fibrosis is a disorder of the oral mucosa characterized by inflammation and fibrosis of the oral mucosa and is primarily caused by chewing of areca nuts.

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