
Noncardiac chest pain

Defined as substernal pain in the absence of significant epicardial coronary artery stenosis.

Prevalence in population based studies is 23% (Locke JR).

Non-cardiac chest pain causes include: musculoskeletal conditions, comprising approximately 25-50% of cases, Gastrointestinal causes in 10-20% of cases, respiratory symptoms such as upper and lower respiratory tract infections, asthma, and COPD account for approximately 12% of cases.
Psychological conditions, such as anxiety and panic disorders and associated chest pain make up an additional 10% of cases.

GERD most prevalent cause, accounting up to 60% of cases of non cardiac chest pain.

Prevalence of GERD noted by pH monitoring in noncardiac chest pain is 41-43% (Ahmed T, Lacrima G).

Men with nonspecific chest pain and normal cardiac evaluation have a higher cardiovascular and noncardiovascular death rate identified in a 16 year cohort study (Wilhelmsen).

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