
Neonatal deaths

Estimated 4 million neonatal deaths worldwide each year.

Neonatal mortality accounts for 40% of deaths among children younger than five years worldwide.

Approximately 7 million neonates worldwide require resuscitation at birth.
Most neonatal deaths occur in the first week of life.
Neonatal mortality rates have not declined substantially during the past decade, in contrast to significant decrease in mortality among older children.
Birth asphyxia is the third leading cause of neonatal deaths, accounting for approximately 700,000 deaths each year, globally.
Birth asphyxia is the third leading cause of neonatal death, counting for approximately 700,000 deaths each year, globally.
Evidence suggests that the complications of labor and delivery play a major role in neonatal deaths in the first hours, after birth, and that preterm delivery and infections also each cause approximately 1/3 of deaths in the first week of life.
Many neonatal deaths are a result of multiple conditions, such as preterm birth, in combination with sepsis.
Approximately 1/3 of neonatal deaths are attributable to sepsis, with both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria.

Most occur in low-medium income countries.

Infections account for an estimated 1.44 million deaths (36%) with about half of the deaths in areas with high neonatal mortality rates.

Approximately 38% of death in children younger than 5 years occur during the first 28 days of life.

75% of neonatal deaths in the first 7 days of life.

Periviable birth between 22 weeks and 25 weeks six days gestation occured in 0.4% of all deliveries in the US in 2015, but accounted for 40% of all neonatal deaths.

In 2019 66% of periviable neonates were born to a mother who identified either as Black or Hispanic.

Differences in neonatal morbidity and mortality exist regardless of gestational age of birth, with infants of Black individuals dying at a higher rate of 11.1 versus 5.1 per 1000 live births, a risk ratio of 2.2, than those of similarly aged White individuals.

Effective positive pressure  ventilation  is the initial step in neonatal resuscitation and is estimated that the proper bag and mask ventilation could reduce interest intrapartum mortality by 40%.
Ventilation is commonly started with a face mask, followed by endotracheal intubation in the event the face mask ventilation  fails, or there is a need for prolonged ventilatory support.
Endotracheal intubation in neonatal resuscitation has success rate of 24% among residents, 78% among fellows, and 86% among consultants.

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