

Major component of the cellular cytoskeleton and are essential to cell motility, vesicle secretion, and cell division.

Form the mitotic spindle structure that organizes the intricate process of chromosome association and subsequent separation essential for cell division.

Comprised of αß-tubulin heterodimers.

Alpha and beta- subunits dimerize and polymerize to form a stable microtubule.

Important components of the mitotic spindle, such that mitosis cannot occur without the dynamic instability of tubulin.

Equilibrium of αß-tubulin polymerization and depolymerization is needed for adequate microtubule function and normal cell division.

Exist in a dynamic equilibrium with heterodynamic alpha and beta-tubulin subunits constantly polymerizing or depolymerizng at the ends of these filaments, allowing them to grow and shrink as needed.

Polymerized α-tubulin undergoes posttranslational modifications such as acetylation, which is a marker for microtubule stabilization.

Agents that interfere with the dynamic equilibrium inhibit microtubule function and can prevent cell division, causing cell death.

Tau-1 and other associated proteins, help in stabilization of microtubules.

Taxanes induce mitotic arrest by inhibiting depolymerization of the microtubules.

Epothilones are microtubule stabilizing chemotherapy agents.

Taxanes and epothilones bind to the beta-tubulin subunit, stabilizing the polymerized states of tubulin heterodimers.

Vinca alkaloids bind to the beta-tubulin subunit but promote depolymerization.

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