

Fish are the major source of exposure to methylmercury.

Coal combustion and gold mining are the two main sources of mercury pollution.

Coal contains mercury which vapor rises during combustion, entering the atmosphere and precipitates in lakes, rivers, and oceans.

In aqueous environments, metallic and inorganic mercury convert to highly toxic methylmercury.

In aqueous environments, metallic and inorganic mercury convert to highly toxic methylmercury.

Chronic low-level mercury exposure causes measurable neurodevelopmental delay in infants.

Women of childbearing in each, pregnant or nursing mothers and infants and young children should eat no more than two servings of fish per week, And should avoid species of fish with high methylmercury content ( FDA).

Among 51,529 men and 121,700 women whose toenail clippings were evaluated for mercury and selenium concentrations there was no evidence of adverse effects of mercury exposure on coronary heart disease, stroke, or total cardiovascular disease (Mozaffarian D et al).

Methyl mercury in aquatic environments accumulates in the food chain and is consumed by humans, this is especially true of tuna fish.

Methyl mercury has long been known to be a neurotoxicant and associated with a dose dependent increase in the risks of deaths from Cardiovascular disease and non-fatal myocardial infarction.

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