
Maternal mortality

Ratio is defined as the number of maternal deaths per 100,000 live births.

Estimated 500,000 deaths per year worldwide.

The US is a high rate of maternal mortality, compared with other high income countries, despite spending more per person on health care.

The pregnancy related mortality in US was 23.8 per 100,000 live births in 2020, while global rates have been decreasing: rate was 32.9 in 2021.

Pregnant women in the US are three times more likely to die as those in developed countries including: Australia, Britain, Canada, France, and Germany.

The maternal mortality rate increased between 2018 and 2021 by double.

The maternal mortality rate among black women has climbed to 69.9 deaths per hundred thousand, 2.6 times that of white women, a disparity that has persisted for decades.

Nearly 700 women die each year in the United States from complications of pregnancy and 60% of these deaths can be prevented.

1205 maternal deaths reported in 2021.

Contributing factors to pregnancy-related deaths include: community factors, such as unstable housing and limited access to transportation, health facility factors, such limited experience with obstetric emergencies and lack of appropriate personnel or services, patient factors such as lack of knowledge of warning signs and nonadherence to medical regimens, provider factors such as missed or delayed diagnosis and lack of continuity of care and system-level factors such as inadequate access to care and poor case coordination.

Pregnant women living in rural areas of the most vulnerable in the US.

CDC estimates about 700 patients die each year as result of pregnancy or its complications in the US.

Most of the pregnancy-related deaths could be prevented by addressing community, health facility, patient, provider, and system level factors.

Women in the United States, today, are more likely to die in childbirth than were their mothers and grandmothers.

Maternal deaths have nearly doubled in the last 25 years for the US.

About three in five pregnancy-related deaths could potentially be prevented, regardless of race or ethnicity.

31% of such maternal deaths occur during pregnancy, about 36% happen during delivery or in the week after, and about 33% occur between a week and a year after delivery.

The leading causes of death differ when women die during pregnancy versus after delivery.

Maternal infections, particularly sepsis, during the peripartum period accounts for 10% of maternal deaths, and are among the top three causes of maternal death worldwide.

Heart disease and stroke caused 34% of pregnancy-related deaths

Obstetric emergencies, such as severe bleeding and amniotic fluid embolism, caused most deaths at the time of delivery.

The proportion of maternal deaths caused by infection, has increased over time, whereas deaths from causes such as hemorrhage and preeclampsia, have remained stable or decreased.

Maternal infections increases the risk of neonatal sepsis,which accounts for 16% of neonatal deaths.

Associated with approximately three deaths per day and averages approximately 1 in 4000 live births.

In the week after delivery, severe bleeding, high blood pressure, and infection were most common.

Cardiomyopathy caused the largest proportion of deaths 6 weeks to 1 year postpartum.

Black and American Indian/Alaska native mothers in the US are 2-3 times more likely to die from pregnancy-related causes.

in 2020 69.9 Black women died per hundred thousand live births, a 2.6 times higher rate than that of White women in that year.

Pregnancy complications, including preterm delivery and low birth birthweight outcomes for newborn infants and morbidity and mortality for mothers demonstrate racial/ethnic, rural versus urban, and socioeconomic disparities.

Almost half of maternal deaths are preventable.

The US ranks last overall among industrialized countries in maternal mortality.

Goal is 3.3 deaths per 100,000 live births.

More than half of the deaths occur in the first week through one year after delivery.

African-American women have a maternal mortality rate of 18.6 per 100,000 and White women have a mortality ratio of 5.7 per 100,000 live births.

Almost half of maternal  deaths are among White individuals, bit 31% occurred among black individuals represent only 14% of the population.

Cardiac and coronary conditions are the leading cause of maternal death among Black women.

Mental health conditions are the primary cause of maternal death among Hispanic and White people.

Hemorrhage contributed the largest portion of maternal deaths among Asian people.

In 2014 the maternal mortality rate in the US was 23.8 per 100,000.

Higher after the age of 40 years, in women with lower education, more pregnancies and with less prenatal care.

Single pregnant women have twice the mortality rate of married women.

Thromboembolic disease accounts for 25% of maternal deaths.

Pulmonary embolism is the leading cause of maternal deaths in the developed world.

One in four maternal deaths is related to a mental health condition, including suicide or overdose linked to a substance use disorder.

Hemorrhage accounts for about 14% of the material deaths, cardiac and coronary conditions for 13%, infection 9%, and blood clots and cardiomyopathy for 9% each.

Hypertension disorders of pregnancy account for that 7% of maternal deaths.

In a  South Carolina based trial of Medicaid eligible pregnant individuals, participation in an intensive nurse home visiting program did not significantly reduce the incidence of adverse birth outcomes (McConnell M).

Among women planning a vaginal delivery, single oral dose of azithromycin result in significantly lower risk of maternal sepsis or death than  placebo, (1.2%vs. 2.4%)but had little effect on newborn sepsis or death (Tita ATN).

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