
Isotonic exercise

Isotonic contraction

In an isotonic contraction, muscle tension remains the same, while the muscle’s length changes.

It differ from isokinetic contractions in that in isokinetic contractions the muscle speed remains constant.

An isotonic contraction will keep force constant while velocity changes, but an isokinetic contraction will keep velocity constant while force changes.

Two types of isotonic contractions exist: 1) concentric and (2) eccentric.

In a concentric isotonic contraction, the muscle tension rises to meet the resistance, then remains the same as the muscle shortens.

In eccentric isotonic contraction the muscle lengthens due to the resistance being greater than the force the muscle is producing.

Concentric type is typical of most exercise.

Muscle injury and soreness are associated with eccentric contraction.

Isotonic implies exerting equal resistance while the length of the muscle changes.

Changing the length of your muscle, occurs by flexing and extending a muscle group.

Flexion and extension of muscles involve pushing, pulling, lifting and lowering.

Flexion and extension describe the movement of the muscles during isotonic exercise, and weights provide the equal resistance throughout the range of motion.

Other exercise equipment that provides isotonic exercise includes resistance bands, body weight calisthenics and weight machines.

Isotonic exercise builds both muscular strength and endurance, and involves contracting and holding a muscle or group of muscles.

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