
HPV associated malignancies

Human pappilomavirus (HPV) is associated with malignancies and accounts with 5% of human cancer worldwide.

13 or more HPV types are oncogenic- 5 are anogenital – anus, cervix, penis, vagina, and vulva and the sixth is the oropharynx.

HPV‘s promote cellular, proliferation, and genomic instability.

At one time, cervical cancers were the most frequent HPV associated cancer, but presently oropharyngeal cancer in men has the highest incident and is increasing.

The decrease in cervical cancer incidence is primarily due to efficient screening by Pap smear and HPV DNA testing and because of highly effective prophylactic HPV vaccine.

HPV are small non-enveloped viruses with small circular genomes.

HPV’s establish a persistent reservoir of infection, while evading the host immune system, and concomitantly shed cells that contain viral particles.

Most HPV associated cancer develop from precursor lesions.

HPV vaccine to induce high endurable levels of neutralizing antibodies and are efficacious.

The five-year relative survival rate for HPV associated cancer ranges from 47 to 66%.

Most HPV associated cancers develop from precursor lesions.

Cervical infections termed cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) 1,2,3 , signify neoplasia being present through the lower 1/3(CIN 1) 2/3 (CIN2 ), or the complete thickness of the epithelium(CIN3).

Similarly, anal, penile, vaginal, and vulvar precursors lesions classified as intra epithelial neoplasia.

Precursor lesions are poorly defined for oral cancer.

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