
High fiber diet

High cellulose vegetables, such as lettuce and broccoli, are foods associated with lowered incidence of hypertension, cancer, arthritis and diabetes.

A large metaanalysis showed a decrease in cancer, mortality and all cause mortality per 90 g per day. Increase in whole-grain intake.

Fiber intake is inversely correlated with the risk of cancer as seen in the EPIC study.

Protects starch carbohydrates from immediate attachment by digestive enzymes causing a slowdown in the release of sugar into the bloodstream..

A diverse group of plant constituents resistant to digestion.

High fiber diets include fruits, vegetables, whole grains, bran, legumes, psylium and seeds.

In patients treated with checkpoint, inhibitors, sufficient dietary fiber was associated with increased odds of responding to treatment with program cell death inhibitors as well as longer progression of free survival was seen in melanomas patients.

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