
Gun use

In a poll of 1271 people more than half of US adults with their family members have encountered gun violence: threatened with a firearm; witnessed the shooting; or a relative had been killed by a gun, including by suicide.

In 1999 560,000 gun-related crimes and 10,000 associated homicides.

In 2020 firearms were the method of injury for most homicides and suicides (79% and 53%, respectively).

In 2020 there were more than 45,000 gun deaths in the US, a 14% increase from year before and a 25% increase from five years earlier.

The firearm injury epidemic has now superseded motor vehicle crashes as the leading cause of death for children and teens in the US.

In 2021 more than 48,000 firearm related deaths occurred in the US, and this was associated  with an untold number of quality adjusted life years were lost.

In 2021 more than 48,000 firearm related fatalities in the US reflects nearly the same number of deaths is those attributable to influenza and pneumonia in 2020.

The number of non-fatal firearm injuries is estimated at 100,000 persons each year, with non-fatal injuries, thought to represent more than twice the number of fatal injuries.

More children and adolescents in the US now die from firearm injuries, than from any other cause.

The total economic toll of firearm injuries in the US is estimated to be $557 billion annually or 2.6% of gross domestic product, 88% of which is related to quality of life losses among those injured by firearms, and among families.

During 2006-2007 a total of 25,423 firearm homicides and 34,235 firearms suicides occurred among US residents (CDC).

Americans make up 4.4% of the global population, but own 42% of the worlds guns.

On average almost 100 people die each day in the US from gun violence.

100,000 Americans are wounded by firearms each year.
Of 40,620 US firearm deaths each year, 23,891 or about 58% are suicides
Firearm homicide rates rose by more than a third during the first year of the Covid Dash 19 pandemic:
communities disproportionally affected by poverty, systemic inequity, and structural racism.
Black, American Indian, and Alaskan native communities experienced the highest rates and increases in firearm homicide during the first year of Covid-19 pandemic.
Black males have a 33 fold higher risk of death from firearms compared with Asian American females.
In Black males, ages 15 to 34, homicide deaths is the leading cause of death, the majority of which are due to firearms.
Black males have a lifetime risk of firearm deaths of 2.61%, indicating that one out of 38 black males will die from firearms.
Black adults are twice as likely as White adults to report having seen someone being shot or have a relative who was killed by a gun.
The majority of gun deaths are a result of suicide. 
The firearm suicide rate in 2020 was is 8.1 per hundred thousand persons.

Other common causes include homicides, law-enforcement shootings, and unintentional shootings.

Firearms are frequently the lethal means in cases of homicide, suicide, and unintentional injuries.

The rates of firearm-related death varies between locations, differ by region and country, and variables include illegal drug trade, substance abuse, inadequate mental health support, and socioeconomic inequities.

In 2015 36252 deaths from firearms in the US exceeded the number of deaths from motor vehicle traffic crashes that year.

Data from 2010-2012 found that males were six times more likely than females to die from firearms.

US teenagers are 82 times more likely to die at the hands of a gunman  than their peers in other countries.

There was an estimated 251,000 global deaths from firearm injuries in 2016.

In 2016 there were 161,000 global homicides, 64%, of firearm deaths.

In 2015 60.7% of the gun deaths were suicides.

In states with stricter firearm laws there are much lower firearm related death rates, than in states with looser regulations.

In 2016, an estimated 37,000 firearm related deaths occurred in the US, ranking second only to Brazil.

2016-2017 found hospital costs to the firearm injuries were just over $1 billion annually.
In 2019 39,707 people lost their lives to gun violence.

In 2017 there were 14,542 homicides in 23,850 for suicide involving firearms.

Since 1968, more individuals in the US have died from gun violence than in battle during all the wars the country has been in since its inception.

The frequency of mass shooting events in the US has been on the rise over the past two decades, with an increasing number of injuries and deaths.

Access to firearms and level of firearm ownership is associated with firearm deaths at the population, household, an individual levels.

In the above 4166 firearm homicides and 1446 firearm suicides occurred among youths aged 10-19 years.

The rate of firearm homicides among youths slightly exceeds the rate among individuals of all ages.

Rates of firearm associated violent crime has increased by 26% since 2008.(NVAT).

Firearm related suicides and homicides were the fourth and fifth leading cause of injury and death in the US during 2006-2007, together accounting for approximately 30,000 fatalities each year.

Attempted suicide with guns results in deaths in well over 90% of the time.

Total number of annual firearm fatalities has been stable over the last decade.

Every day, 88 people die from firearm-related injury; two-thirds of those deaths are suicides, a high proportion of which are committed by seniors and individuals living in rural areas

From 2007 to 2010 there were more than 31,000 fatalities per year from firearms.

In 2010 firearms killed 68% of the 16,259 individuals who died of a homicide.

In 2010 there was 38,364 suicides and 51% were accomplished by firearms.

In 2010 gun related injuries accounted for 6570 deaths of children and young people, 1-24 years of age.

In the above statistic it includes seven deaths per day among people 1-19 years of age and gun injuries caused twice as many deaths as cancer, five times as many as heart disease and 15 times as many as infections in this age group.

On average there were 88 deaths every day from firearm violence in 2011, and another 202 individuals were seriously injured.

Males are at higher risk of unintentional death while playing with fire alarms at a young age, of being involved in homicides with firearms during adolescence and young adulthood, and the greater use of firearms as a means of suicide as an adult.

It is estimated that in 2012, for the first time there will be probably more firearm related homicides and suicides than motor vehicle traffic fatalities.

The national firearm homicide rate is 4.2 per hundred thousand persons per year, and is slightly higher at 5.2 for large metropolitan areas.

Firearm fatality rates range from a high of 17.9 in Louisiana to a low of 2.9 in Hawaii per hundred thousand individuals.

Estimated cost of gun associated violence 100 billion dollars per year.

Violence associated is often an unintended consequence of gun ownership.

Handgun purchases substantially increases the risk of a violent death.

Suicide is the leading cause of death among hand gun owners in the first year after purchase, and last for years.

Homicides increased by 40-170% and risk of suicide by 90-460% in homes with a gun.

Young people who commit suicide with a gun usually use a weapon from the home.

Daily an average of 20 children and adolescents in United States sustain firearm-related injuries serious enough to warrant hospitalization.

Unintentional injuries are the leading cause of death for children between the ages of one and 17 years, with about 3% of these fatalities due to firearm injuries.

In 2009, 7391 children and adolescents younger than 20 years were hospitalized due to firearm-related injuries (Leventhal JM et al).

In the above study overall hospitalization rate was 8.8 per 100,000 individuals younger than 20 years.

The rate was 15.2 per 100,000 among males and 1.9 per 100,000 among females.

The hospitalization rate for black males was more than 10 times the rate for white males 44.77 per 100,000 versus 4.28 per 100,000, respectively.

There were 3459 deaths in 2010 among children and adolescents younger than 21 years of age.

In 2011 21,000 visits to emergency departments for firearm-related injuries among children and adolescents.

35 states have a concealed weapon permit to those requesting one and can legally own guns.

Two states have dispensed with permits altogether.

It is estimated about 40% of all firearm transactions involve private-party sellers who do not keep records and cannot obtain background checks.

Private-party sales are the most important source of firearms obtained for criminal buyers and specifically for persons prohibited by law from purchasing such guns.

Private-party sales are the main reason that the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act, which requires background checks by licensed retailers, did not reduce firearm-related homicides.

Among women housed in shelters for domestic violence, two thirds of those who come from a home with a gun have had those guns used against them.

The United States, with less than 5% of the world’s population has more than 40% of all the firearms that are in civilian hands-250-300,000,000 weapons.

Among individuals who purchase firearms legally with previous conviction for a misdemeanor or violent crime, they are 9 times as likely as those with no criminal history to be subsequently arrested for violent crime: and with two or more of such convictions the risk increases by a factor of 10 to 15.

Firearm owners who abuse alcohol are more likely than other owners to engage in violent behavior with firearms.

Safe gun storage practices associated with decreased risk of teen suicide and unintentional firearm injuries.

A higher number of firearm laws in a state is associated with a lower rate of firearm fatalities in that state.

Strong connections exist between gun ownership and firearm suicide and firearm homicide.

Semiaautomatic rifles are easy to use, can except large magazines, fire high velocity bullets, and enable shooters to wound and kill more people per incident.

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