

Eye strain, is also known as asthenopia.

A common eye condition that manifests through non-specific symptoms such as fatigue, pain in or around the eyes, blurred vision, headache, and occasional double vision.

Eye strain symptoms often occur after long-term use of computers, digital devices, reading or other activities that involve extended visual tasks which are broadly classified into external and internal symptom factors.

When concentrating on a visually intense task, the ciliary muscles and the extraocular muscles become strained. 

This causes discomfort, soreness or pain on the eyeballs. 

Closing the eyes for ten minutes and relaxing the muscles of the face and neck at least once an hour usually relieves the symptoms of eyestrain.

Eyestrain can be caused by page or photograph with the same image twice, but slightly displaced from a printing mishap, a camera moving during the shot due to the brain misinterpreting the image fault as diplopia and trying in vain to adjust the sideways movements of the two eyeballs to fuse the two images into one.

Eye strain can occur when viewing a blurred image due to the ciliary muscle tightening trying in vain to focus the blurring out.

Relieving strain of the ocular muscles: taking periodic breaks by closing the eyes, obtaining good sleep, and proper nutrition.

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