
Decipher prostate cancer test

For patients with localized disease on biopsy post-op.

A genomic test utilizing the expression levels of 22 RNA biomarkers.

It estimates the rate of distant metastases at five years after treatment.

It is a genomics classifier based on gene expression data with subtyping to luminal versus basal molecular subtypes.

Subtypes luminal A, luminal B, and basal subgroups.

Approximately 50% of tumors have luminal B, and about 48% have basal subtypes.

Luminal B subtype is associated with a higher androgen receptor score and poor prognosis.

Luminal B subtypes and high androgen  receptor activity have a greater sensitivity to  taxane chemotherapy compared with basal subtype.

Luminal B subtype is associated with the poor prognosis on androgen deprivation therapy alone but benefited significantly from the addition of taxanes.

Low androgen receptor subtypes have a poor prognosis.

For all patients with adverse pathology after prostatectomy

High Grade Disease (Gleason Grade 4 or 5)

5 year metastasis

10 year prostate cancer specific mortality

The Decipher Biopsy test independently and accurately provides better risk assessment for more individual treatment for all patients diagnosed with localized prostate cancer.

The Decipher Biopsy test is based on the patients personal tumor-based genomics.

Decipher Biopsy helps determine who:

May be suitable candidates for active surveillance

May be treated with local therapy alone

May benefit from intensification of multi-modal therapy

Decipher Biopsy Low Risk:

Favorable prognosis – may be suitable candidate for active surveillance and may have excellent outcomes when treated with local therapy alone such as surgery or radiotherapy.

Decipher Biopsy High Risk

Unfavourable prognosis – may not be suitable candidate for active surveillance and may benefit from intensification with multi-modal therapy.

Decipher Biopsy is the most accurate predictor of disease progression for newly diagnosed patients.

Decipher independently outperforms other clinical risk factors.

Overall 46% of patients were reclassified as lower or higher risk based on Decipher Biopsy test.

Decipher has been shown in multiple studies to be better than traditional measures at predicting the probability of disease progression in men with intermediate-to-high risk of disease recurrence after surgery.

In clinical studies of high-risk men after surgery, Decipher reclassified 60% of men to lower risk categories.

98.5% of patients reclassified to low risk by Decipher did not develop metastasis within 5 years of radical prostatectomy.

On average, 39% of physicians changed patient treatment recommendations after reviewing Decipher results, resulting in a 50% reduction recommendations for radiation therapy in those identified as low risk by Decipher.

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