

It is caused by severe intra-renal injury or complete urinary obstruction.

Refers to the nonpassage of urine.

It is defined as passage of less than 100 milliliters of urine in a day.

It is often caused by renal failure, but may also occur because of obstruction by kidney stones or tumors.

High blood calcium, oxalate, or uric acid, can contribute to the risk of stone formation.

Kidney failure can have multiple causes including medications or toxins, diabetes and high blood pressure.

It may be associated with end-stage renal disease.

Oliguria is associated with 100 mL of urine production daily.

Anuria is a symptom, often associated with other symptoms of kidney failure, such as lack of appetite, weakness, nausea and vomiting, the result of buildup of toxins in the blood which would normally be removed by healthy kidneys.

An enlarged prostate gland is a common cause of obstructive anuria.

Acute onset of anuria is usually a sign of obstruction or acute renal failure.

Acute renal failure may be related to heart failure, mercury poisoning, infection, and other conditions that i pair kidney perfusion.

Treatment depends on the underlying cause of this symptom.

Obstruction of urine flow is the most easily treatable cause of anuria.

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