
Alcoholic cirrhosis

Alcohol-related liver disease is second to nonalcoholic fatty liver disease as the leading cause of cirrhosis in the United States.

More than 50% with cirrhosis alone die within 4 years.

Overall mortality from alcoholic liver disease in the United States has increased since 2006 in almost every age group and race, with the exception of non-Hispanic black men.

Two-thirds of with cirrhosis and alcoholic hepatitis die within 4 years.

Ascites, encephalopathy and variceal bleeding indicate advanced disease with a median survival of 5 years or less.

Only treatment proven to affect long-term mortality is abstinence.

Only a small number of heavy drinkers develop cirrhosis.

Risk of cirrhosis increases proportionately with consumption of more than 30 gm of alcohol per day.

120 gm per day of alcohol intake associated with the highest risk of the development of alcoholic cirrhosis.

Prevalence of cirrhosis is 1% in persons drinking 30-60 gm of alcohol a day and up to 5.7% of individuals drinking 120 gm a day.

Alcohol-associated liver disease is becoming increasingly prevalent.


Alcohol-associated liver disease affects men more often than women, but they differences between the sexes is narrowing. 


Women develop liver disease with lesser alcohol exposure and suffer worse disease as compared with men. 


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