A percutaneous procedure that is minimally invasive with the injection of polymethylmethacrylate into a compressed vertebral body under fluoroscopy.
Stabilizes a compression fracture but does not directly restore vertebral body height.
Can be performed under light sedation and local anesthesia.
Relative contraindications include: coagulopathy, posterior cortex vertebral destruction, and >60% vertebral collapse.
The polymethylmethacrylate used is of low viscosity and can extravasate from the vertebra leading to spinal cord compression.
Effective for the treatment of osteoporotic compression fractures, lytic metastases, hemangiomas, and multiple myeloma.
Reported success rate of greater than 90% in treatment of osteoporotic compression fracture pain.
Two controlled trials showed that the vertebroplasty is no more effective than a sham procedure.