
Venous stents


Venous stents are metal mesh tubes that expand blocked or narrowed vein walls.

They act to keep veins open.

Stents are placed in larger, central veins, such as those found in the: legs, chest and abdomen.

Venous stents are placed for chronic blood clots or other conditions that compress or narrow the veins, resulting in limited blood flow.

Venous stenting applicable for : Chronic deep vein thrombosis (DVT

Post-thrombotic syndrome

May-Thurner syndrome

Nutcracker syndrome:

Hemodialysis/arteriovenous fistulae:

The most common imaging test is a duplex ultrasound helps to locate the exact location of any narrowing or blockage.

A venogram allows visualization of veins.

Angioplasty may be performed before placing the stent.

During venous angioplasty, your vascular surgeon will:

Fluoroscopy is used to steer the catheter to the site of the narrowing.

The balloon is inflated and deflated the several times to widen the narrow vein.

Next the stent is placed in the vein, serving as a support to keep it open.

To prevent blood clots from developing, most take an anti platelet agent for a few months after the procedure.

Such endovenous stenting can be used to relieve chronic venous disease secondary to post-thrombotic or non-thrombotic iliac vein obstruction.

Two venous stents approved by the FDA: the Vernacular trial of the Venovo venous stent (BD) and the Virtus trial of the Vici venous stent.

The one-year primary patency rates are 88% and 84%, for Venovo and Vici, respectively, and then reported freedom from major adverse events at 30 days is at 94% and 99%, respectively.

The 2-year primary patency rates were 84% in Vernacular and 79% in Virtus, with both trials reporting an 89-percent freedom from target vessel revascularization at 2 years.

The primary patency rates at 24 months for non-thrombotic iliac vein disease was 95%, while 24-month primary patency 75% in the post-thrombotic patients.

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