
Steroids-short course

Short-term Oral Steroids Carry Serious Risk

Within 30 days of initiating short-term oral corticosteroid drugs, even at relatively low doses, users have a nearly twofold increased risk for fracture, a threefold increased risk for venous thromboembolism, and a fivefold increased risk for sepsis (Waljee AK)

The six most common indications for short-term oral corticosteroids drugs are upper respiratory tract infections, spinal conditions, intervertebral disc disorders, allergies, bronchitis, and nonbronchitic lower respiratory tract disorders.

The two most common physician specialties prescribing short-term oral corticosteroids are family medicine and general internal medicine.

Short term steroids is more frequent among older patients, women, and white adults, with significant regional variation.

Within 30 days of drug initiation, there is an increase in incidence rate of the following: sepsis, with a rate ratio of 5.30, venous thromboembolism, with a rate ratio of 3.33 and fracture, with a rate ratio of 1.87.

In this study, within 30 days of drug initiation, there was an increase in incidence rate of the following: sepsis, with a rate ratio of 5.30, venous thromboembolism, with a rate ratio of 3.33, and fracture, with a rate ratio of 1.87.

In the above study it was significant that the most frequent corticosteroid prescribers were not rheumatologists or other subspecialists experienced in treating inflammatory conditions long-term.

It is recommended to prescribe the smallest possible amount of corticosteroids for treating the condition in question.

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