

There are 2 specialists for every generalist physician in the U.S.

Physical examination, except for blood pressure, does not have sufficient sensitivity to be useful as part of a periodic health examination.

There is a marked decline in well-being of contemporary US physicians.

As many as 400 physicians die by suicide each year in the US, equal to approximately two or three graduating medical school classes.

Prevalence of psychological distress among physicians is high.

Burned out physicians have a higher propensity for making medical errors and diminished quality of medical practice and professionalism.

Patients of burned out physicians are less compliant with physician care plans.

Burnout is a syndrome of emotional exhaustion, diminished meaning in work, feeling of ineffectiveness, tendency to view people as objects rather than human beings.

Mood disorders among physicians often go untreated and contributes to a high prevalence of suicide.

1/3 to 1/2 of physicians do not have a personal physician or regular source of healthcare.

Positions are less likely to have seen their personal position in the past year that has the US adults.

Physicians’ work or their workplaces put them at risk for burnout.

Burnout is a syndrome of emotional exhaustion and depersonalization.

Physicians who entering clinical practice healthy, with a higher quality of life have lower rates of burn out and depression, and lower rates of cancer and cardiovascular disease

Once in practice, physicians register lower work-life satisfaction and higher rates of burnout and the risk of suicide becomes 1.4 and 2.3 times higher for male and female physicians, respectively.

More than 15% of practicing physicians are older than 65 years.

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