
Performance Oriented Mobility Assessment (POMA)

Assesses the quality of transfer, balance and gait maneuvers during daily activities.

Observing in an ambulatory setting transfer and balance maneuvers including getting up from a chair, standing, turning, gait initiation, heel-toe sequencing, stop length, path deviation, walk stance, steadiness, arm swing, neck, trunk, hip and knee flexion.

it is used to determine the patient’s risk of falling, the need for a cane or walker if gait or balance problems are present.

Difficulty with getting up without arms suggests possible proximal muscle weakness.

Difficulty with gait initiation suggests fronto-subcortical disorders such as normal pressure hydrocephalus or Parkinson disease.

Increase in impaired performance with eyes closed suggests peripheral neuropathy or vestibular problems.

A wide based gait that worsens with with eyes closed and is improved with handheld assistance suggests peripheral neuropathy.

Legs crossing the midline when walking suggests a CNS disorder such as a stroke or normal pressure hydrocephalus.

Short step with one leg suggests a muscle joint or nervous system problem on the opposite side.

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