
Heart Metastases

Relative incidence of metastases highest for melanoma, followed by lymphoma, while in absolute numbers it is highest for lung and breast cancer.

Cardiac metastases are more common than primary cardiac tumors.

Right side of the heart is more frequently involved than the left side of the heart.

Oftrn detected at autopsy.

Retropective study showed male predominance of lung, esophagus and lymphoma, while in women lung, lymphoma and breast cancers (Grande AM et al)

Hematogenous spread, and extension through the vena cava are the main mehanism of involvement.

Most common presentation is congestive heart failure, followed by embolic disease to the cerebral, coronary and systemic circulations.

Patients may have cardiac outflow obstruction symptoms, valve dysfunction, arrhythmias or heart failure.

Symptoms relate to tumor location, size, fraibility and invasiveness.

Intracardiac cavity involvement leads to obstructed cardiac valves or vessels and embolic disease.

Pericardial involvement associated with effusions or tamponade.

No standard treatment.

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