Rare neuroepithelial tumors that accounts for only 0.4% of CNS tumors and for 1.3% of brain tumors.
Composed of dysplastic neurons and neoplastic glial cells.
Categorized as a low-grade or high-grade.
Most commonly located within the brain, especially the temporal lobe.
Majority of patients her children or young adults.
Patients commonly presented with seizures.
Tumor resection is the primary treatment of choice.
In a study of 402 patients at 10 years local control rates were 89% for gross tumor resection and 90% after gross tumor resection plus radiation, and after subtotal resection local control rates with work 52% and after subtotal resection and radiation 65%: Gross tumor resection should be for performed primarily and if subtotal resection can only be achieved, then radiation improved local control of both low-grade and high-grade lesions (Rades D).