

A sympathomimetic amine with stronger beta than alpha effects.

A synthetic catecholamine that Acts as a beta1 and beta2 receptor agonist and improves blood pressure by increasing cardiac output.

It increases the inotropic state.

A sympathomimetic drug used in the treatment of heart failure and cardiogenic shock.

A direct stimulant of β1 receptors of the sympathetic nervous system.

Trade name Dobutrex.

An intravenous agent.

Elimination half-life 2 minutes.

Used to treat acute but potentially reversible heart failure.

Used during cardiac surgery or in cases of septic or cardiogenic shock, on the basis of its positive inotropic action.

In cases of congestive heart failure it can increase cardiac output.

Indicated for parenteral therapy for inotropic support in the short-term treatment of patients with cardiac decompensation due to depressed contractility, which could be the result of either organic heart disease or cardiac surgical procedures.

Not helpful in ischemic heart disease because it increases heart rate and increases myocardial oxygen demand.

Side effects include: hypertension, angina, arrhythmia, and tachycardia.

It is used with caution in atrial fibrillation as it has the effect of increasing the atrioventricular (AV) conduction.

The most dangerous side effect is increased risk of arrhythmia, including fatal arrhythmias.

Primary activity results from stimulation of the β1-adrenoceptors of the heart, increasing contractility and cardiac output.

Less prone to induce hypertension than dopamine.

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