
Dietary Fat

Not associated with increased endogenous estrogen levels.

Total fat intake and risk of breast cancer and colon cancer in large prospective studies reveal little relation.

Historically increasing dietary saturated fat intake influence total cholesterol, and the increase in total cholesterol, was associated with an increase ten-year coronary heart disease mortality.
Metanalysis of prospective epidemiologic studies showed there is no significant evidence for concluding that dietary saturated fat is associated with increased risk of cardiovascular disease, or sudden death.
Recent findings suggest that saturated fat intake maybe inversely related to stroke risk.
In some patients, increase total low-density lipoprotein cholesterol may occur with increased saturated fat intake, but this increase is predominately in the larger particles less strongly associated with cardiovascular disease.
Presently, there is no evidence that arbitrary upper limits on commonly consumed saturated fats will prevent cardiovascular disease or reduce mortality.
Consuming a variety of natural foods without restricting saturated fat appears to be beneficial in helping to ensure a nutritionally adequate diet and maintain health.

Prospective studies in prostate cancer reveal no clear relationship.

Dairy products account for about 10% of total fats in the average US diet.

For most people, dietary cholesterol has only a modest effect on the amount of cholesterol in the bloodstream.

Guidelines for Americans eliminated an earlier recommendation to limit dietary cholesterol to 300 milligrams (mg) per day.

Saturated fat in the diet clearly does raise LDL by a significant amount and should still be consumed in limited quantities.

Foods high in fiber, low in saturated fat can lower cholesterol.

The best diet to lower cholesterol is rich in fruits, vegetables, fish, and whole grains.

The more of these healthful foods eaten, the less one consumes foods that are high in saturated fat and highly refined carbohydrates, which both damage the cardiovascular system.

High-fiber foods help reduce your cholesterol level by making unhealthy dietary fats harder to absorb from the gut.

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