
Cutaneous horn

Also known as cornu cutaneum and cornu humanum.

Is a conical hyperkeratotic protrusion from the skin that resembles a miniature animal horn.

It is composed of compacted keratin.

Its base can be crater like, flat, and nodular and may overly a benign, premalignant, or malignant skin lesion.

Mostly seen in individuals older than 50 years, with the peak between 60 and 70.

Thought to be a reactive phenomenon to an underlying pathology which may be benign, premalignant on malignant.

Benign, premalignant, or malignant pathology accounts for 61.1%, 23.2%, and 15.7% of 643 cutaneous horns, respectively (Yu RCH).

Benign lesions include: seborrheic keratosis, which is most common, verucca vulgaris, molluscum contagiosum, scar, erythema abigne, pyogenic granuloma, epithelial hyperplasia, epidermal nevus, hypertrophic lichen planus, angokeratoma, angioma, pilomatricoma, fibroma, dermatofibroma, histiocytoma, trichilemmal cyst, granular cell tumor, prurigo nodule, discoid lupus, and inverted follicular keratosis.

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