


A surgical modification of the eyelid such that excess tissue such as skin and fat are removed or repositioned, and surrounding muscles and tendons may be reinforced.

It has functional and cosmesis affects.

Blepharoplasty is the second most popular cosmetic procedure in the world second to Botulinum toxin injection.

It is the most frequently performed cosmetic surgical procedure in the world.

It is reported to be the most common aesthetic procedure in Taiwan and South Korea.

Lower eyelid blepharoplasty is almost always done for cosmetic reasons: to improve puffy lower eyelids and reduce the wrinkling of skin.

Asian blepharoplasty or double eyelid surgery creates a crease in the upper eyelid.

Sometimes needed for functional reasons as when an advanced amount of upper eyelid skin may protrude over the eyelashes and causes a loss of peripheral vision.

Other indications for blepharoplasty: to improve peripheral vision or to treat chalazion, eyelid tumors, ptosis, extropion, trichiasis, and other eyelid-related conditions.

Usually performed through external incisions made along the natural skin lines of the eyelids, such as the creases of the upper lids and below the lashes of the lower lids.

The procedure is particularly popular in East Asia, where it has been reported to be the most common aesthetic procedure in Taiwan and South Korea.[

Incisions from the inside surface of the lower eyelid, known as transconjunctival blepharoplasty, allows removal of lower eyelid fat without an externally-visible scar.

Transconjunctival blepharoplasty, however, does not allow excess skin to be removed.

Factors which cause complications following the procedure include: dry eyes, and laxity of the lower lid margin which predisposes to lower lid malposition.

Laser blepharoplasty is the performance of eyelid surgery with a laser, and is often combined with laser eyelid rejuvenation.

Dry eye symptoms and chemosis are common following the procedure.

Following blepharoplasty dry eyes and chemosis are increased with intraoperative canthopexy, postoperative lag-ophthalmicus, concurrent upper and lower procedures and transcutaneous violation of the orbicularis oculi muscle (Prischmann J et al).

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