

BiPap is a type of ventilator.

A BiPap machine can help push air into the  lungs via a mask or nasal plugs that are connected to the ventilator. 

The machine supplies pressurized air called positive pressure ventilation, because it opens  the lungs with air pressure.

BiPap is only one type of positive pressure ventilator. 

With BiPap, there is positive air pressure with inhalation and exhalation.

There is higher air pressure when inhaling.

Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) delivers the same amount of pressure as one breathes in and out. 

The “Bi” in BiPAP stands for “bilevel.” 

There are two levels of pressure: a normal one with breathing in and a lower one that makes it easier to breathe out. 

BiPap May be used for: 

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder (COPD)

Obstructive sleep apnea

Obesity hypoventilation syndrome


Asthma exacerbation

Poor breathing after surgery

Neurological disease that disturbs breathing

BiPap is not be a good option if breathing is very poor, or there is reduced consciousness or problems swallowing. 

It has a lower risk of complications, such as infection, compared with ventilator support.

Problems associated with BiPap: 

Tightness of mask

Local skin damage from the mask

Stomach bloating

Dry mouth

Leaking from the mask

Eye irritation

Sinus pain or sinus congestion


A face mask, nasal mask, or nasal plugs

A motor, which blows air into a tube

The tubing that connects the machine’s motor to the mask or plugs

Might have a heated humidifier.

A humidifier may help reduce nasal dryness. 

Using a facial mask instead of a nasal mask may also help lessen any eye or sinus symptoms. 

Many find BiPAP more comfortable than the constant airflow from a CPAP machine.

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