

Baloxavir marboxil an oral influenza cap-dependent endonuclease inhibitor that disables flu viruses by interfering with viral messenger RNA transcription.

FDA Expands Indication of Antiviral Therapy to Include Post-Exposure Influenza Prevention

FDA expanded the approved indication for Baloxavir marboxil use to include post-exposure prevention of influenza for patients aged 12 years and older, after contact with an individual who has the flu. 

The therapy previously available only in tablet form, is also now available as granules for mixing in water.

Indication expanded for patients aged 12 years and older who are at high risk for developing influenza-associated complications.

The most common adverse effects:  diarrhea, bronchitis, nausea, sinusitis and headache.

Baloxavir marboxil should be avoided with dairy products, calcium-fortified beverages, or laxatives, antacids, or oral supplements containing calcium, iron, magnesium, selenium, aluminum or zinc.

Indicated for patients aged 12 years or older who had symptoms of influenza for no longer than 48 hours.

Anti-viral medication taken in that time frame can minimize symptoms and shorten the duration of the illness.

In  a group of patients with postexposure prophylaxis participated in a randomized treatment group: developed laboratory confirmed flu in 1% of cases and 13% in the placebo group.

Has activity against influenza A and B strains.

Takes about 54 hours for symptoms to resolve.

Common adverse events include diarrhea, bronchitis, sinusitis and headache.

Households, dormitories, and schools are important sites for seasonal and pandemic transmission of influenza virus.
School-age children often  introduce the virus in the household with spread to younger siblings and adults.
Handwashing and wearing a face mask can reduce the risk of transmission in these settings, if these measures are initiated quickly.
Significantly reduces household contact spread of influenza ( 1.9% vs 13.6% for placebo).

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