

Refers to elevation of blood urea nitrogen and creatinine levels and is related primarily to decreased glomerular filtration rate.

Can be caused by many renal disorders and extrarenal processes associated well.

Prerenal azotemia is related to hypoperfusion of the kidneys associated with congestive heart failure, shock, hemorrhage, or volume depletion, that impairs renal function in the absence of parenchymal disease.

Postrenal azotemia relates to obstructed urine flow below the level of the kidney, and relief of the process corrects the azotemia.

When associated with signs and symptoms of renal insufficiency it is ref2242ed to as uremia.

Uremic frost is a dermatological manifestation of severe renal insufficiency.

Uremic frost occurs when the concentration of urea in sweat increases greatly when the blood urea nitrogen is high and evaporation of sweat causes the urea to crystallize and deposit in the skin.

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