
Asthma relievers

Asthma relievers, also known as rescue medications, are primarily used to provide rapid relief from acute asthma symptoms.

The main types of asthma relievers include short-acting β2-agonists (SABAs), inhaled corticosteroid (ICS)-containing relievers, and combination therapies involving long-acting β2-agonists (LABAs) with ICS.

Short-acting β2-agonists (SABAs): SABAs, such as albuterol and terbutaline, are the most commonly used relievers.

Short-acting β2-agonists (SABAs) provide rapid bronchodilation and symptom relief.

SABA’S do not address underlying inflammation and their overuse is associated with increased risk of exacerbations.

The combination of ICS with a fast-acting β2-agonist, such as formoterol, is recommended for both symptom relief and anti-inflammatory effects.

ICS-formoterol IS the preferred reliever therapy due to its efficacy in reducing severe exacerbations and improving asthma control compared to SABA alone.

Studies have shown that ICS-formoterol reduces severe exacerbations by 35% compared to SABA alone.

ICS combined with formoterol which is a fast-acting LABA) is effective as both a maintenance and reliever therapy (SMART).

ICS-formoterol is the most effective reliever therapy for asthma, providing both rapid symptom relief and anti-inflammatory benefits, and is preferred over SABA monotherapy.

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