

Six types of fibers: amosite, crocidolite, anthophyllite, actinolite, tremolite and chrysotile.

Chrysotile is a nonamphibole mineral that is different from the five other fibers with a different texture, composition, and behavior.

At least 80% of patients with mesothelioma have been exposed.

The incidence of asbestos-related diseases, especially malignant mesothelioma, will increase over time.

Chrysotile fibers, but not the other fibers, can be cleared from the lung.

Chrysotile fibers are the predominant fiber found in the pleura of asbestos exposed people.

When fibers reach the alveoli smaller fibers can be phagocytized and removed but larger fibers are not easily engulfed but can be removed if solubilized.

Amphiboles are not soluble and therefore are not removed from the lung.

Fibers that are not removed eventually reach the pleura by the lymphatics or by direct extension where they may lead to pleural plaques, fibrosis and mesothelioma.

Fibers in the pleura may cause mutagenic changes.

Approximately 125 million people worldwide are exposed to asbestos at their work places.

More than 107,000 workers die from asbestos related diseases annually.

Thousands of deaths are attributed to asbestos exposure in homes.

The top five countries for asbestos consumption are; India, China, Russia, Brazil, and Indonesia., accounting for 80% of the global asbestos consumption.

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