High risk anoscopy is a specialized medical procedure used to screen for and diagnose anal dysplasia and early anal cancer, particularly in individuals who are at increased risk:individuals with HIV, men who have sex with men (MSM), and those with a history of receptive anal intercourse.
The American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons recommends HRA for high-risk patients due to its superior ability to detect high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions (HSIL) compared to other screening methods.
This procedure is particularly valuable for early detection and treatment of precancerous lesions, potentially preventing progression to invasive anal cancer.
The anal canal is examined using a high-resolution anoscope.
Application of solutions like acetic acid or Lugol’s iodine are used to highlight abnormal tissue
Magnification allows better visualize of cellular changes for biopsy of suspicious areas.
Individuals considered high risk who may benefit from this screening include:
– People with HIV/AIDS – Men who have sex with men – Women with a history of cervical dysplasia or cancer – Individuals with a history of HPV infection – Transplant recipients and others on immunosuppressive therapy
It’s an important preventive measure as anal cancer is often curable when detected early.