

Adult male circumcision decreases HIV acquisition by penile-vaginal intercourse.

The external foreskin and shaft of the penis are keratinized and not susceptible to HIV infection.

The inner foreskin and frenulum of the penis have a keratin lay which is half the thickness of the penile shaft and these tissues contain dendritic cells, CD4+ T cells, Langerhans cells and macrophages which are susceptible to HIV infection.

Genital ulcers decreased among circumcised men, indicating that it may decrease the incidence and prevalence of ulcerative sexually transmitted infections.

Reduces the risk of acquiring genital herpes by 28-34% and the risk of developing genital alteration by 47% (Tobian AA et al).

Decreases the incidence of HIV infection and reduces the incidence of HSV-2 infection and prevalence of HPV infection as noted in a study of 5534 HIV negative uncircumcised males between the ages of 15-49 years that randomly underwent circumcision or control (Tobian).

Adult male circumcision reduces the acquisition of HIV by 50-60%.

Reduces the risk of oncogenic high-risk human papillomavirus by 32-35%.

The risk of high risk human papillomavirus for female partners of circumcised men is reduced by 28%, the risk of bacterial vaginosis is reduced by 40%, and the risk of trichomoniasis reduced by 48% (Wawer MJ et al).

Neonatal circumcision provides benefits during childhood which include prevention of infant UTIs, meatitis, balanitis and phimosis and protection from viral sexually transmitted illnesses.

Complication rate is only 0.2-0.6% when done as a neonatal procedure and the complication rate of 1.5-3.8% for adult males.

No significant differences exist in male sexual satisfaction or dysfunction.

In some studies circumcised males report increased penile sensitivity and in panties of reaching orgasm (Krieger JN et al).

97% of female partners report either no change or improve sexual satisfaction after their male partner was circumcised (Kigozi G et al).

One reply on “Circumcision”

I like that you mentioned the benefits of getting circumcised, this prevents potential bacterial infections and will provide better hygiene overall. This will also lessen the chances of contracting HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases. My family and I, have this culture and tradition, men do not get circumcised because of this, and some of us have problems retracting the foreskin. We are currently looking for treatment and remedies to prevent this from happening. Thanks to this article, I will surely approach a medical professional and practice foreskin stretching for phimosis.

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